Applying amber for health:
Amber oil is used for the massage. In this case, its significant bactericidal and electrostatic properties are the most advantageous.
For internal use: powder and tincture, as well as succinic acid and succinates; suppositories with oil and honey; inhalation (smoke from burnt amber);
For external use: ointments, amber oil, compresses and massages with the use of amber powder, massage with a polished nugget, acupuncture with needles with amber tips, baths in amber stones at room temperature and temperature increased to 37-38 degrees Celsius, walking barefoot after a layer of fine amber, wearing amber jewellery, amulets, necklaces and bracelets.
We live surrounded by all kinds of electrical devices: radios, televisions, microwave ovens, hair dryers, shavers, computers and mobile phones negatively affect our body. Modern research shows that we can protect ourselves from their influence by making friends with Baltic amber, wearing amber necklaces, amber bracelets, amber earrings, rings, amber pendants, or carrying a raw amber figurine or nugget in our pocket. Warming up amber changes ionization, positively affecting our well-being and rebuilding the disturbed electrostatic field. We will be happy and full of energy again – thus attracting happiness.